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Flying thousands of hours in their specially modified aircraft, internationally recognized aerial photographers Jay and Jan Roode have spent more than a decade photographing some of the most remote and spectacular wilderness areas from above, revealing the beauty of wildlife in their natural habitats.


Aerial Art, is the culmination of a remarkable journey through Southern Africa photographing the region’s most remote places from above. Aerial art showcases a vibrant collection of wild and enchanting images that convey an intimacy with, and reverence for, the African wilderness and is a reflection of their passion for the conservation and preservation of the enthralling landscapes they have flown over.

The book features 65 double page spreads of jaw dropping imagery accompanied by a picture index and a the story of the life, of international award-winning aerial and wilderness photographers Jan and Jay Roode and their personal undertaking to photograph southern Africa's wildest places from the seat of their specially modified light aircraft.


It offers audiences insight into the passion, commitment, dedication and reverence for the natural world it takes to leave behind the stability of their corporate jobs in search of a dream. Inspiring, humorous, thought provoking, delving deep into their adventures and misadventures, and accompanied by breath-taking beautiful images, this presentation of their 15-year journey, with all the highs and lows will keep you spellbound.

Available as an open edition and a limited edition.


Magnetic clip hardcover

144 pages

65 amazing double page spreads

Picture index at the back

Size: 345 x 278 mm 


"Aerial Art is a spectacular collection of photographs that record the

astounding beauty, scale, and diversity of the vast wilderness spaces

of southern Africa. This book is visual celebration of Africa

from the unique bird's-eye view from the seat of a light aircraft"


Aerial Art
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Aerial Art Press Launch at Kapama Game Reserve & Exhibition at Outdoorphoto



Buy an Aerial Art Open or Limited edition book and find a generous discount voucher for a signed fine art print of your choice 


Book Dimensions: 345mm x 278mm x 30mm | Pages: 144

The Standard Edition Includes a $30 discount voucher for any fine art print selected from the book. 

A QR code is provided with each book to enable you to select your fine-art print.

The Limited Edition: Only 200 copies available worldwide.

Each copy is signed by the artist and numbered. Includes a $100 discount voucher for any fine art print selected from the book. A QR code is provided with each book to enable you to select your fine-art print.


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